These notes are prepared by Ms Kirti Gambhir and Typed by Ms Amisha Sharma.
1 1. Business
transaction : Business transaction एक ऐसी economic activity है जो business की financial position में change करती है | जब business में कोई activity होती है तो उसके परिणामस्वरूप
business (व्यवसाय) की Assets
(सम्पतियों) , Liabilities (दायित्वों) और Capital (पूंजी) में change आता है|
# Features of transaction
Economic activity (आर्थिक गतिविधि)
Types – External
and Internal
Results in a change
in the financial position of business.
Measured in terms
of money
2. Event : किसी transaction का Result/Consequence (परिणाम), event कहलाता है | For example – Sachin ने Rs. 5,00,000 Capital (पूंजी) के साथ business start किया | उसने Rs. 4,00,000 की goods cash में खरीदी और इसका ¾ the part Rs. 3,80,000 में बेच दिया | Rs. 20,000 Godown का Rent pay किया |
In this example,
Transactions : (i) Investment of Rs. 5,00,000 in business.
(ii) Purchasing
of goods for Rs. 4,00,000.
(iii) Making cash sales of Rs. 3,80,000.
(iv) Payment of
Godown Rent Rs. 20,000.
: (a) Sales = 3,80,000
- ) Cost of purchases :
¾ of 4,00,000 = 3,00,000
Godown Rent = 20,000 = 3,20,000
Profit = 60,000 /-
(b) Closing Inventory /
Stock / Goods
= ¼ of
4,00,000 = 1,00,000 /-
(c) Total Capital = 5,00,000
(+) Cash
Sales = 3,80,000
= 8,80,000
Less : Cash
Purchases 4,00,000
Godown Rent 20,000 =
Cash Balance = 4,60,000 /-
(d) Initial Capital = 5,00,000
Profit = 60,000
= 5,60,000 /
3. Account : An account is a record of all business transactions relating to a particular individual or item. Accounting में प्रत्येक person, Income or expense का separate record prepare किया जाता sहै | इसी record को account कहते हैं | For example the Account of Ram, the Account of Salary, the Account of Machinery , the Account of Rent, etc. प्रत्येक Account ‘T’ shape में तैयार किया जाता है | इसलिए इसे ‘T’ Shape Account भी कहते है | सभी Accounts को two sides मै divide किया जाता है | Left side is called Debit (Dr.) Side and Right side is called Credit (cr.) Side. For example Cash Account is prepared as follows :
Debit (Dr.) |
Cash ₹ |
Account |
Credit (Cr.) |
Account को A/C से donate करते हैं |
1 4. Capital
: owner/ businessman / proprietor business
amount invest capital Capital owner invest owner’s equity Capital Net Worth Net
Assets Capital Calculate formula
Capital = Assets – Liabilities
example : Cash ₹ 20,000 ,
Machinery ₹
Stock ₹ 90,000
, Debtors ₹ 40,000 and Creditors ₹ 50,000
such a capital = Assets
– Liabilities
Assets = Cash ₹ 20,000 + Machinery ₹ 70,000 +
Stock ₹
90,000 + Debtors ₹
= 2,20,000
Liabilities = Creditors ₹ 50,000 = 50,000
Capital = 1,70,000/-
1 5. Drawing
: जब Business का owner, business में cash
या goods अपने private use के लिए निकलवाता है
तो withdraw हुए cash or
goods की value को owner की Drawings में लिखा जाता है |
6. Liability
: वह Amount जो business ने owner के
अतिरिक्त , किसी Creditors/Outsiders को देनी है , उस particular
amount को Business की Liability कहते हैं | Liabilities can be calculated with the help of
following formula :
Liabilities = Assets – Capital
Liabilities : जो amounts
business ने अपने Proprietor/Owner को pay
करनी है , उसे Internal Liability कहते हैं | For
example Capital and Accumulated Profits.
External Liability
: जो Amounts
business ने outsiders को pay करनी है , उसे external liability कहते हैं | For example- Creditors, loans, bank
overdraft etc.
Non – Current
Liabilities : इन Liabilities
की Payment Long Period ( normally after more than one year
) में करनी होती है | For example Long term loans and Debentures.
(b) Current Liabilities : इनकी payment within a year ( under 365 days ) में करनी पडती हैं | For example- Bills Payable (BIP) , Creditors, Outstanding expenses, short term- loans etc.
7. Assets : कोई भी वस्तु जो business की ownership में है या business की property है तो उसे business की Asset ( सम्पत्ति ) कहा जाता है | For example : Cash or Bank Balances, Stock, Furniture, Machinery, Goodwill, Bills Receivable (BIR) etc.
Current Assets
: जो Assets within one year cash में convert
हो जाती हैं , उन्हें current assets कहते हैं
: Debtors, Stock, Bills Receivable (BIR)
Non – Current
Assets : Business जिन Assets को Goods or
services की production में continuously use करता है, उन्हें
Non – Current Assets कहते हैं | इन Assets को resale purpose के लिए purchase नहीं किया जाता |
: Land and Building, Computer Plant and machinery etc.
(A) Tangible Assets
: जिन Assets को देखा व छुआ जा सकता है ,
उन्हें Tangible assets कहते है | जैसे - furniture, Machinery, Computer etc.
(B) Intangible Assets
: इन Assets का कोई physical existence
नहीं होता अर्थात इन्हें न तो देखा जा सकता है और न ही छुआ जा सकता
है |
– Goodwill, Computer Software,
Patents, Trade Mark etc.
Asset : इन Assets कों न तो cash में convert किया
जा सकता है और न ही इनसे future में कोई profit earn किया जा सकता है |
Example : Debit balance of P
And L A K and advertisement Expenses etc.
8. Revenue
: Goods या Services को sale करके जो payment receive होती है उसे Revenue
कहते हैं | It includes receipt of Rent commission,
interest etc. Revenue is related with the day to day affairs of the business
and should also be regular in nature.
9. Expenses
: Goods/Services को produce और Sale करने में जो Cost incur होती है या लगती है , उसे Expenses
कहते है | It Includes :
Cost of goods sold.
Amount paid for
Rent, interest, Salary etc.
- Decline in the value of Asset by the use of such Asset.
10. Income
: Surplus of Revenue over expenses (explained earlier) is called Income. In
other words,
Income = Revenue – Expenses
: The Goods costing ₹
4,00,000 are sold for ₹
5,00,000. In such a case
Revenue =
Cost/Expenses =
Income = 1,00,000/-
11. Profit : Business के Total Revenue और Total Expenses का difference, (for an accounting period, which is one year) Profit कहलाता है | Profit owners की investment को increase करता है | Profit = Total Revenue – Total Expenses
12. Gain
: Gain एक Business की individual transaction monetary benefit होता
है | Such as : Sale of Fixed Asset, winning a count case etc.
Example : A Building costing ₹ 10,00,000 is sold for ₹ 12,00,000 ; ₹ 2,00,000 will be the gain on sale of building.
13. Revenue
from Operations : एक
business अपनी operating activities से
जो Revenue earn करता है, उसे उस business का Revenue from
operations कहते हैं |
Revenue from Operations = Revenue from Sale of goods + Revenue from sale of services
14. Purchases
: Purchases denote purchase of goods in which business deals. एक Manufacturing
concern के लिए goods raw material होता है
जबकि trading concern के लिए goods में
वस्तुए होती है जिन्हें resale purpose के लिए ख़रीदा गया हो
| Purchase में Fixed Assets की Purchase
को include नहीं किया जाता | But,
Purchase = Cash Purchase + Credit Purchase
# Purchase returns = Purchase की गयी जो goods suppliers को return कर दी जाती है , वो Purchase Returns में include की जाती है तथा इसकी Amount को Purchases में से Subtract किया जाता है |
15. Sales
: जब goods or
services की ownerships customers को transfer
कर दी जाए , then it is called Sales. Sales also can be in
cash or credit. Sales word का use उन्ही goods
की sale के लिए किया जाता है जिन्हें resale
purpose के लिए purchase किया हो | Sale
is never use for the sale of Assets.
Example – If a cloth seller sells cloth , it will be termed as sales , but if the same cloth dealer sales old furniture , it will be termed as sales.
16. Loss
: Loss means difference between total
expenses and total revenues of a business for a particular period. In other
Loss = Total expenses – Total Revenues
We can say, अगर business के Total
Expenses, Total Revenues से ज्यादा है तो business को loss suffer करना होगा |
Example – If revenues are ₹ 2,00,000 and expenses are ₹ 2,40,000 the loss will be ₹ 40,000.
17. Entry : जब किसी transaction or event को accounting books में record किया जाता है, then it is called ‘entry’.
18. Bad
Debts : Debtor वह person
होता है जिससे business ने पैसा लेना है | जो Amount
Debtors से recover न किया जा सके, वह bad debts कहलाती है |
19. Insolvent : जब कोई person या business enterprise अपना कर्ज चुकाने में असमर्थ हो जाये , तो उसे Insolvent ( दिवालिया) declare कर दिया जाता है |
20. Solvent : जो person या business enterprise अपना कर्ज चुकाने में समर्थ / योग्य है, वह Solvent कहलाती है |
21. Trade
Receivable : वह Amount जो
business ने अपने customers से लेनी है
जिन्हें business ने उधार sale की थी ,
Trade Receivable ( T/R ) कहलाती है |
Debtors:- Debtors वे Persons or
firms होती हैं जिन्हें goods/services credit base पर sale की गयी हो |
BIR :-
BIR एक accounting bill होता है जिसमे
लिखी गयी amount buyer एक Particular date को seller/vendor को pay करता
है | BIR seller draw/issue करता है |
22. Trade Payables : वह amount जो business ने outsiders को देनी है , वह Trade payable कहलाती है |
:- वह outsiders persons or firms जिनसे business
goods/services उधार purchase की थी, उन्हें business
के creditors कहा जाता है |
(ii) BIP :- BIP buyer द्वारा draw किए जाते है जिनके तहत वे bill में लिखी amount एक निर्धारित date को seller को pay करता है |
23. Goods
: Goods में उन things
को include किया जाता है जिन्हें resale
purpose से purchase किया जाता है या जिनका
प्रयोग finished product तैयार करने के लिए लिया जाता है |
Example :- एक Stationery Trader के लिए stationery goods है जबकि दूसरे traders के लिए यह एक expense है |
24. Entity : Entity का अभिप्राय एक Economic Unit से है जिसका निर्माण goods or services produce करके income earn करने के लिए किया गया हो |
For Example
:- L.G. Electronics, Wipro, Maruti Suzuki Etc.
25. Cost
: Cost वह amount or
volume है जो goods और services के exchange के लिए pay की
जाती है | Cost money की form में हो
सकती है और money के equivalent terms में
भी हो सकती है |
For example :- Cost of Machinery includes Purchase Price, freight and installation expenses etc.
26. Investments : Investment (विनियोग) से अभिप्राय Excess funds को Companies के share or debentures में invest करने से है ताकि excess funds से earning generate की जा सके |
27. Turnover : It means total sales एक business enterprise में एक particular time period ( generally accounting period, which is one year ) की total sales को उस business enterprise की Turnover कहा जाता है |
28. Livestock : Livestock में उन पशुओ को include
किया जाता है जिन्हें business activities में
help के लिए पाला जाता है |
For example
:- Domestic animals such as cattle or horses are known as livestock.